Recently(5/18/12), I took my car off the road and ceased driving. My feeling was that I posed a hazard to myself and other drivers. Initially, it appeared that this decision would have a significant impact on The Therapy Dog, Inc. Presently, I have Medicaid and Medicare. However, neither Medicaid nor the county(Saratoga) will pay to transport Casey. They will pay to transport a service dog(ie. a dog that aids a visually impaired person). Casey however, is a therapy dog. Also, the taxicab company will not transport a non-service dog.
Needless to say , this was a depressing and desperate situation. I, and several others prayed for a solution and thanks be to God, one has presented itself. When we were at Saratoga Bridges in Clifton Park two weeks ago, I let it be known that I had a problem . I was approached by Don, who is the parent of a daughter who attends the Saratoga Bridges day program. Don offered to take Casey and I to and from the day program. Last week, Kim, a neighbor down the street, was at my house to cut Chester's(my other dog) nails, and I told her of my dilemma. She generously offered to help out with transportation. At last week's Rotary Club meeting I described the situation to my fellow Rotarians and sent them a detailed e-mail that evening. I've already received two offers of assistance.
It appears that what appeared to be a massive problem, is well on the way to evaporating.