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Monday, May 27, 2013


Typically, the summer is our "slow season."  At this point, it appears that this summer will be no different(schools are not in session).  A couple of weeks ago, I had sent an Email to Bethany at the Maple Avenue Middle School, asking her to let us know if we were "on" for the coming Friday, as Kirsten and I disagreed on  the schedule.  I got a response back from Bethany and she advised that the students were fully occupied with field trips and outings until the end of the school year.  I sent her a return Email, thanking her, and expressing the hope that she would use our services in the coming school year,

Sunday, May 12, 2013


On Friday, 5/10, Kirsten, Casey, and I, were at  the Maple Avenue Middle School.  We went to Mrs. Douglas's room, where we met our usual group of special education students.  The children are usually arrayed in a circle and Casey will spend some time with each child.  However, on this occasion several students started to pay attention to Casey at once, so she laid down.  Then, she was unable to get up.  Several of us tried to lift her, with no success.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason, there is not a rug or carpet anywhere in the school.
Since Casey was unable to get on her feet, the students took turns, in groups of 4 or 5, being with Casey.  This actually worked out quite well, but we still had the problem of getting Casey up.  The school supplied an athletic mat from the gym, however, Casey was still unable to get up.  It was then that Kirsten came up with a pretty innovative idea.  She suggested getting Casey's ramp from her car and since it has carpet on it, Casey may be able to get up
The ramp is something I had purchased for Casey about a year and a half ago.  The decreasing strength in Casey's legs had made it impossible for her to get into cars, especially the "higher" models such as SUV's and vans.  Additionally, to further improve Casey's traction, I had cut and glued some carpetting to the ramp.  While I continued to work with the students and Casey, Kirsten went out to her car and got the ramp.  When we put the ramp on the floor, Casey was immediately able to get up.  It was about time to leave and we did so, rather than risk another" incident."


Initially, you may think that this blog deals exclusively with Casey's impact  on those that she serves.  However, there is more than that involved and this is not  the irrational ravings of a dog owner about "his" dog.  Perhaps if I relate some conclusions that I have drawn based on Casey's most recent experiences, you'll understand where I'm "coming from."
Casey and I are working a reduced schedule now.  Whereas, we're still at Saratoga Bridges on a weekly basis, we are working in 2 Saratoga Springs schools and at ACT, every other week.  It is at these three locations where Casey's impact is  evident.
As you know from an earlier post, it has been necessary to make use of volunteers to satisfy our transportation needs, as I no longer drive.  I contacted a philanthropic organization, Carelinks, to see if they could provide voluntary transportation.  Carelinks assigned Kevin to transport us.  On the first occasion, Kevin asked if he could "come inside" with us at ACT.  Since then, he has become a valued co-worker.  My good friend, Sally, knew of the work we were doing and asked if she could work with us.  Sally now works with us at Lake Avenue Elementary School   Kirsten heard of the work we were doing and asked if she could work with us. On alternating Fridays, Kirsten works with us at Maple Avenue Middle School .